Contents Everything is in English. It’s a Wonderful World core game Stretch Goals from the Kickstarter campaign “War or Peace” campaign expansion “Leisure and Decadence” campaign expansion 5 plastic cups for the Resources + lots of storage boxes For more details, please visit the Kickstarter page:
Clash of Rage Heroes expansion (Kickstarter)
This expansion is not a standalone. You need CLASH OF RAGE to play with it. Language dependent component are available in french AND in english. Content : 1 rulesheet 8 Hero cards 5 Weapon Cards 8 Armor Cards 2 Legendary Equipement Cards 16 Clan Power Cards 8 Hero Figurines 2 Tokens 40 Crystal plastic tokens 8 Rage plastic tokens
Outlive Underwater (expansion)
All the content is in english. Infos From 1 to 4 players For 14 years old and older Designer: Gregory Oliver Artist: Miguel Coimbra Contents 1 new main board (includes a new location), XL dimensions 4 Robot meeples 1 Leader card 2 Event cards 4 Equipement tiles 2 Room tiles 24 Scientist tokens 1 Vegetable token 1 Horde board (solo mode) 8 Horde cards (solo mode) 1 rule book Know more
10 green dice Clash of Rage
A set of 10 dice with an alternative color (optionnal).
10 White dice Clash of Rage
A set of 10 white dice for clash of rage (optionnal).