Hello everyone, February is, for us french people, the month of the biggest game convention in France: Le Festival International des jeux de Cannes. Consequently we’re currently less available. Nevertheless, the project is going well and we’re in compliance with our new planning. But February is also the month we received the first draft of the definitive plastic miniatures of Clash of Rage’s base box! We’re very pleased with the results. The minis are really great. Let me show you some pictures, but please be aware that we don’t have any photography studio, that it’s really difficult to have
First overview of Nētā-Tanka

In September 2016, I met Hervé Rigal (author of Shakespeare) during the fair Ludimania in Dijon. He then introduced me to one of his prototypes, a game of resource management and workers placement: Tatanka. In Tatanka, the players embodied young Amerindian chiefs. The game was based on mechanics of chained actions (for there to be meat, it is necessary that someone cut up a Bison and to cut up a Bison it is necessary that someone has hunted etc …) . Immediately, I was seduced by the whole mechanics. In addition, I found it very interesting that part of the
#8 – After the Battle – The end of the PM

Hello everyone, Following many days of a very bad flu, I’m back to the office, alive and kicking! We have some great news to begin the year. First of all let me wish you all a very happy new year 2018! I – Closing the Pledge Manager Most of you already filled the Pledge Manager. It’s still open as Benjamin is contacting the last persons who haven’t filled it yet. However, we will close the Pledge Manager and the late pledge toward the end of the month in order to start the files completion process. II – Campaign mode finalization
Outlive won Public award!

This weekend was the Rouen Game Festival and Outlive was competing for the Public Award. We are pleased to announce that Outlive has won the expert award from the public! Thank you to Blackrock for representing us at the fair, thank you to the organizers for selecting Outlive and especially thank you to the public for this award!
(Français) Les résultats du concours de Noël
(Français) Résultat du concours “Fautes d’orthographe”
Christmas contest
Win a Outlive collector by finding spelling mistakes!

Hello everyone, Today, I suggest you give us a hand, for those who wish, by proofreading the rules, the FAQ and the Box of our next game “Huns” (Release date March 2018) to find potential small misspellings or typos. The English rules are available here: Download here The English FAQ is available here: Download here The box: Download here To report a typo or a misspelling, thank you to make it by email at typo@laboitedejeu.fr. We will draw lots among all those who have made a report (relevant) to this address, a person who will be offered an Outlive collector’s box in English
Clash of Rage – Heirs of Kkran is coming!

While the Late Pledge and the Pledge Manager of Clash of Rage are in progress, Michael Jenkins has sent us the 3D renders of the last two minis of the Clan of the Heirs of Kkran (one of the add-on clans). The original concept is designed by Djib. With the team we cann’t wait to receive the physical models! See you soon,
How does the online shop work?

Hi everyone! Here is a simple tutorial for using our online shop. 1/ First, over the “Shop” menu with your mouse, then click on the “Shop” link. 2 / You can choose to display English or French products by clicking on the green buttons “Products EN” or “Products FR”. 3/ You can Add the product you want to your cart by clicking on the blue button “Add to Cart”. Because we have a very few units and we want a maximum of players to be able to order, you can only purchase each item once per order. 4/ When you’ve